Pickyman Winter Wonderland: Season 2 (or PWW2) was an American winter show produced by Pickyman Studios and the sequel to the first season of PWW. The series began in December of 2021 and was canceled in January 2022. The series was hosted by Pickyman. The series was designed so that the viewers could also do the same activities at home.
The series premise was about crafting fun activities during wintertime. The series was designed so that the viewers could also do the same activities at home.
Series Prequel
After the fifth episode was released on January 22, 2022, Pickyman Studios decided to cut PWW2 due to a lack of initial performance and low morale. Though, the combined view total of all of PWW was 147. The combined view total for PWW2 of its five episodes was 139.
Season 3 renewal
Pickyman Studios on August 24th, 2022, announced that there will be a third season of PWW. The series is expected to start up again in December.