Pickyman Winter Wonderland (or PWW) is an American winter show produced by Pickyman Studios. The series began on December 28, 2020. The series is hosted by Pickyman. The series was designed so that the viewers could also do the same activities at home.


The series premise was about crafting fun activities during wintertime. The series was designed so that the viewers could also do the same activities at home.



Reportedly, and visually, filming the series was quite a struggle. But it was managed. With Pickyman being the host, he was able to free-write the series and plan each episode. 


The series had 10 episodes, which each received at least 7 views per. Each episode has 100% viewer approval.

Series Sequels

Pickyman Studios on November 3rd, 2021, announced that there will be a second season for their winter series. The series started up again on December 12th, 2021.  

On August 24th, 2022, Pickyman Studios renewed PWW for a third season. Pickyman's Winter Wonderland: Season 3 began on December 3rd, 2022. 

Episode 9 thumbnail

Pickyman's Winter Wonderland

Produced by: Pickyman Studios

Genre: Outdoors

Origin: United States

# of seasons: 1

Running time: About 3 and 1/2 minutes

Release: Original release on December 28, 2020 - March 21, 2021

Closed Captions: English (Auto)

Status: Ended (Watch season 1)