The Street Light (Previously called Follower) is an American short horror film released on December 15th, 2023. This film is the highest quality film ever produced by Pickyman Studios to this point. 


Curious about an urban legend, a man investigates the mysterious street lamp connected to dozens of missing cases.  


The film features a familiar cast compared to most PM films, with Noah C and Haydn B occurring. However, a new Pickyman Studios cast member plays the main character in this horror film, who is Keith M.

Keith M as The Man

Haydn B as Silhouette Man

Noah C as News Anchor



Pickyman Studios had completed the script for the film. It took several months to develop a sophisticated story with the mystery surrounding it. The writing was designed to leave the door open for a full film.


Originally, the plan was to record the film and release it around Halloween. Scheduling conflicts deferred the date until November 1st, which was the official film date. The goal was to film all outdoor and indoor scenes in one day. The team successfully accomplished recording in three hours, with cold hands and toes. The newscast scene was recorded later in November, completing the production process.


Editing began on November 2nd. The film was planned to contain no dialogue and use after-the-fact sounds. Postwork was on and off until early December when the film and extended versions were completed. The official teaser and release date were revealed on December 11th.



The short film was promoted to a choir the film director is a member of and on cast members' Instagram stories multiple times.

Later, in January 2024, an ad campaign was commenced on Instagram.


It was decided that the film should be uploaded exclusively on the Pickyman Studios channel to prevent clashing niches on the Pickyman channel

As of July 3rd, 2024, the film had 500+ views. The Street Light is Pickyman Studios' most successful stand-alone film.

Potential for More Street Light

Many individuals close to the cast have asked if more Street Light-related productions are planned. 

No plans have been announced if/when another Street Light film will be produced.

Film Poster
Unofficial Film thumbnail

The Street Light

Produced by: Pickyman Studios

Written by: Noah C

Release date: December 15th, 2023

Duration: Six minutes, five seconds (Exclusive extended film; Nine minutes)

Closed Captions: N/A