Pickyman Series is an American superhero action series by Pickyman Studios. The series began on June 16, 2016, and its latest episode aired on November 17, 2017. The series is the most popular (long-form) and longest-running by Pickyman Studios.
A third season is currently in the works.
The series is about two close-friends who treat each other as brothers and come to face multiple villains seeking to steal their unique abilities.
Main Cast
Noah Evans by Noah C
Haydn Hill by Haydn B
Maculus by Haydn B
Myra by Kerie A
Fritz by Randy A
Other Cast
Libby D as herself (S1 E4 Original, does not appear in remake)
Noah's Twin Brother by Noah C
Crazed Man (S2 E2 REMAKE) by Izak C
Pre-Remake Era (2016-2017)
Remake Era (2019-2022)
All of season one and half of season two of the Pickyman Series have been remade to boost video and audio quality, along with story fixing. These remakes will officially replace the originals. The remaking effort began in 2019. From 2019 to 2020, only two episodes were remade. But in 2021, an astonishing three were remade. Additionally, in 2022, the final two episodes planned to be remade were remade.
Season Three development
Plans for Season Three began in late 2017, but official work began in 2020; script writing began. Not much progress would be made until the second half of 2022, when the script was completed on July 25th, 2022.
Announced on the PMS Trello board, a film window was open for "villain scenes" to be recorded. On August 11th, Pickyman Studios officially filmed these "villain scenes," which was a significant step in progress. However, filming opportunities for most of the film could not be done.
The rest of the first episode was planned to be completed in July 2023. On July 14th, 2023, a significant number of interior shots were filmed. The team then planned for the next and probable final shooting day, July 17th, for the entire production. However, one of the cast members disregarded the established plans and refused to properly communicate.
As a result of several factors after July 17th, the cast never convened to set a course of action.
As of February 2024, no verdict has been made regarding season three's production. Nevertheless, its productions and plans have had continual roadblocks and delays. The director of the series, Noah C (aka Pickyman), plans to resolve any contentions and determine a fate for the Pickyman Series.
The original first season gained a total of 556 views as of April 27th, 2023.
The original second season gained a total of 330 views as of April 27th, 2023.
The remade first season has gained a total of 289 views as of April 27th, 2023.
Episodes one and two of season two, plus the original third and fourth episodes, have collectively gained 330 views as of April 27th, 2023.
In total, the original two seasons earned 886 views, and the remade seasons earned 619 views.
Pickyman Series
Produced by: Pickyman Studios
Genre: Superhero action
Origin: United States
# of seasons: 2
Running time: About 11 minutes
Original release: June 16, 2016 - November 17, 2017 (not including remakes)
Closed Captions: English
Status: Idle (Watch the Series)